The labrum is the cartilage that surrounds the glenoid or the shoulder socket. It is responsible for providing stability to the shoulder and allows us to perform mundane tasks. There are many ways the shoulder socket could receive a tear, such as a shoulder dislocation, pulling or pushing of the arm, sports that require repetitive overhead activity, labor work, or a motor vehicle accident.
When Is the Surgical Debridement Needed?
The labral cartilages can heal non-operatively through medicines and care in two to three months in case of a minor tear or a minor dislocation. But a debridement surgery is needed if your labral tear does not heal sufficiently with conservative treatment. The surgery may be required to address issues like repairing or removing the torn tissue.
There are two ways in which the surgery can be performed; it can be performed arthroscopically or open. The procedure chosen totally depends upon whether the torn piece of the labrum needs to be removed or attached to the rim of the shoulder socket with special staples.
Preparing for the Surgery
Before undergoing the surgery, you should mentally prepare yourself and start by learning the potential risks and benefits involved with the procedure. This can be done by talking to your surgeon, who will take you through the surgical process and help you better understand the details of the surgery. Any physical problems, pain, fever or infection, should be reported to your surgeon, and you should also notify your surgeon of any medications that you are taking.
What Is Shoulder Arthroscopy?
This surgical procedure is performed using a small camera to view the shoulder joint through small incisions. The complete inventory of the shoulder joint can be viewed with the help of a camera that is inserted into the shoulder joint. Through this camera, your surgeon is able to see your shoulder joint in detail and can decide whether to repair or remove the damaged tissue.
This method of treatment is the most common and the most predictable treatment option for tears in younger and active patients. Doctors recommend arthroscopic debridement for small, frayed tears, and large, unstable tears are best treated with arthroscopic repair.
After the surgery, the patient is put in a sling and the incisions are stitched together with white steri-strips placed over the incisions. The patient’s shoulder is wrapped in a dressing that will need to be kept clean, dry, and intact for 3 days after the operation.
Post-Op Rehabilitation
After the surgery, you may feel a moderate amount of pain after the anesthesia wears off. If it becomes too uncomfortable, you will be given an adequate amount of pain killers to take care of the pain and this might be given orally or through IV.
Most of the patients who undergo the treatment are allowed to go back home in two to three hours. Once at home, an adequate amount of rest and constant monitoring of pain and swelling is needed. Doctors usually recommend patients to remove the sling for some time after two to three days, followed by very light shoulder exercise to prevent the muscles from tightening up.
Contact Our Office
Your shoulders are required to perform many of the activities we do everyday. If they are experiencing issues, it can hinder your ability to live a comfortable life. If you’re suffering from shoulder issues and you want to find relief, contact our office today. Dr. Kevin James, a skilled orthopedic surgeon, will help bring back the comfort you desire.